Volunteers needed on 18th and 19th!
First the Good News…
And now the Unfolding Drama…
2019 Begins With Some De-Constructive Re-Creation
Episode 1 – A Baumhaus Under Siege
A last minute invasion has
created a real crap situation…
Our Hausverwaltung said “All pipes must go!”
The ones up above, and the ones down below…
More helping hands are needed for healing and growing,
So come by this week to keep the Baumhaus flow going…
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In the middle of December 2018, short before the holiday break we found out from our Hausverwaltung that we would have to endure some pretty major renovations to replace ALL the pipes in the entire building (inside and outside the walls) for legal purposes. So, since the 7th of January we have had a full invasion of Handwerkers making massive holes in the walls, ceilings and floors of not only the Baumhaus but our WG above, plus no running water or toilets during the days last week…
With the holes came lots of loud noise and plenty of dust which could not have come at a worse time because we had 2 big events planned for months. We have been working full time all week last week and this week so far building tents and protection to keep the dust isolated to some small work areas as well as helping to manage the de-/construction efforts.
Now there is still some work to be done before a big event with the Wuppertal Institut on Monday the 21st.
• We are seeking volunteers for Jan 18 and 19 to come by and help us clean up, set and put the space back together plus continue working on a few other special projects. We could also use some volunteer help cooking, serving and cleaning on Jan 20 and 21, the details of each date are below.
• If you would like to help out, please send an email to info@baumhausberlin.de to let us know what day and time we you you can come to help with.
To show our appreciation for volunteers, we would like to offer a free participation at any of our upcoming Active Art Salon workshops where we help participants take their interests, goals, passions, skills and talents and create some solid realistic and personally engaging concepts for making the world a better place right here and now!
This is what can get done:
– planning and working on the new hydroponic vertical garden “Green Wall” installation
– sanding modular table legs for new henna artwork by Linda Mey
– painting over damaged and repaired areas from building
– processing typical waste materials into functional building and design materials
– re-potting existing plants
– arranging graphic displays/installations
18 Jan (Fr) • 9:00 – 18:00 Cleaning and Building
18 Jan • 19:00 – Vertical Garden Installation Planning Meeting
19 Jan (Sa) • 10:00 – 15:00 Cleaning and Building
20 Jan (Su/So) • 12 – 19:00 Cleaning and Cooking for big event on 21st
21 Jan (Mo) • 11:00 – 17:00 Setting Up, Cooking and Cleaning
Scott and Karen