Spring 2021 Renovation Progress & Permaculture Design Course

This spring the social distancing and lock down rules slowed down the pace of renovations so we decided to take advantage of a 2 week, 100 hour permaculture design course at Wir Bauen Kukunft led by the legendary Prof. Declan Kennedy.

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Stay tuned for band & dj video/audio recordings from our May 6 event, “Live Streams of Conscious”

Doing What You Can With What You Have…

Since January we have been working with limited resources and a great deal of uncertainty, trying to stay focused on what is possible to make happen now. Thanks to the great help of a small crew of interns and volunteers we have remained healthy, in good spirits and productively creative.
Designing, building, developing, making, thinking and planning are ongoing…

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Save the date, Thursday, May 6 “Live Streams of Conscience” – a simultaneous 5 hour live stream of musical performances (band, djs & mc’s) from Panke alongside some live online interactive happenings at Baumhaus via Zoom (“news you can use”, interviews, discussions +).
info / support / contribute – “Baumhaus interactive tv” & “Baumhaus Space 3.0” & “LebensMittelPunkte” – info@baumhausberlin.de


26.3. 20 Uhr Online-Infoabend: Freie Plätze beim Gemüse Syndikat, der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft vom Auenhof: Mitmachen & Gemüse ab Mai 2021

Jede Woche frisches Gemüse direkt vom Erzeuger. Solidarisch, nachhaltig und im Sinne einer Kreislaufwirtschaft. Zum Start der Saison 2021 gibt es noch freie Anteile beim Gemüse Syndikat. Wer will mitmachen?

Ein Online-Infoabend am Freitagabend 26.3. 20 Uhr für alle Interessierten, organisiert vom Baumhaus Projektraum im Wedding, wo ab Mai ein neues Depot (Abholort) für die SoLawi entsteht – aber auch im Trial & Error, Depot in Neukölln, gibt es noch Platz…

20:00 – 20:15: Begrüßung Baumhaus
20:15 – 20:30: Kurzpräsentation Auenhof/GemüseSyndikat
20:30 – 21:00: Fragen, Antworten & Anmeldung
21:00 – 21:15: Ausklang

Wir freuen uns auf euch!
+++ ANMELDUNG: kurze Email an info@baumhausberlin.de, dann schicken wir euch den Zoom-Link. +++

*** Mehr Infos zur SoLawi Auenhof/GemüseSyndikat: https://www.auenhof-havelland.de/solawi/gemuese-syndikat/ –> Hier erfahrt ihr natürlich natürlich auch, wie ihr euch direkt ohne Teilnahme am Infoabend für die SoLawi anmeldet.
*** Mehr allgemeine Infos zum Konzept der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft: https://www.solidarische-landwirtschaft.org/das-konzept

Inward Focus – Autumn into Winter 2020

Inward Focus – Autumn into Winter 2020 : Even with the pandemic, we managed to keep a few old things going and even get a few new things started… Looking forward to 2021, staying safe and trying to use this time wisely. 😉

This album documents from September through December 2020.  Thanks to all the great help from our 2 interns Justus and Andreas plus all the great help from various volunteers!

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Everyday Superheroes…

Dear Friends of Baumhaus,

Our regular Community Night and all other public events are still on pause because of Corona. However, we’re back with two new projects! We’re inviting all of you to get back in touch, exchange ideas and collaborate with us on those projects…

One project is “Werkstatt LMP”. As a part of the city’s plan to transform the local food system, they want to build a network of local food hubs –  in cooperation with us. We’re building up a Best-Practice-Neighborhood!  It’s an exciting project and at the same time it helps to finance the Baumhaus for now.

Also, there is now a Call for Participation for our project Rise of the Evengers, which also will be the theme of this year’s (mostly online) Emergent Berlin Festival in November.

We hope you’re all well! Let us know if you want to help or have a project that we could connect with ours…

Scott & Karen