The Latest Updates to Our 3d Model

Our 3d fly-through has been updated to include a groovy sound track along with a few layout changes.  The final aesthetics of the space will be designed during the building process this autumn with the creative input of our many collaborative partners!  We will be offering free building workshops for people who would like to participate…

We are now accepting material donations again so if you have wood, interesting fixtures or furniture that could be recycled then let us know!

Emergent Berlin 2014 needs your support on!

(auf deutsch weiter unten…)

/ EN

Dear Baumhaus project Friends and Supporters,

We are happy to announce that our fund raising campaign for the Emergent Berlin 2014 summer festival is now online at!  Last year’s Emergent Berlin festival was a great success with over 600 people who showed up to learn about, support and collaborate with more than 20 of Berlin’s most promising sustainable initiatives to become active participants in making Berlin a better place.

On Saturday, August 16 this year, Emergent Berlin will feature more than 30 local sustainable initiatives and we expect around 800 attendees over the course of the day.  Once again, the Spreefeld Wohngenossenschaft community has invited us to use their sprawling waterfront site for more engaging presentations, workshops, films, live performances and a groovy party in the boat house.

You can help us make this year’s non-profit festival a great event with a modest tax-deductible donation.  To show our appreciation for your warm generosity, the first 20 people to make a donation will receive an invitation to join us for a home cooked meal at Baumhaus planning HQ with members of our Emergent Berlin planning team.

Please use the following links to donate, participate and spread the word:

• for donations in english or german
• for event updates, reviews, documentation and (eventually) a full schedule
• our call for participation for sustainable initiatives in english & german
• our facebook invitation for the full day event and party

Warm Regards,
Scott, Karen & the entire Emergent Berlin planning team


/ DE

Liebe Freunde und Förderer des Baumhausprojektes,

Die Spendenaktion für das Graswurzel-Sommerfest “Emergent Berlin” ist ab jetzt online auf! Letztes Jahr war super erfolgreich. Über 600 Leute haben sich über lokale nachhaltige Projekte informiert, vernetzt und gemeinsam gefeiert – für eine sozialere und ökologischere Stadt.

Dieses Jahr am 16. August wird Emergent Berlin mehr als 30 soziale & ökologische Initativen aus Berlin vorstellen und wir erwarten über 800 Teilnehmer. Die Spreefeld Wohngenossenschaft hat uns wieder ihr Gelände umsonst zur Verfügung gestellt. Wir werden dort Präsentationen der Projekte, Workshops, Aktionen, Musik und Lagerfeuer organisieren – und eine Party im Bootshaus.

Mit eurer (steuerlich absetzbaren) Spende kann Emergent Berlin auch dieses Jahr wieder stattfinden und wir können eine nachhaltige urbane Kultur weiter wachsen lassen! Die ersten 20 Spender*innen laden wir, zusammen mit Leuten aus dem Organisationsteam, zum Abendessen auf die Baumhausbaustelle ein.

Bitte spendet, macht mit und erzählt es weiter mit folgenden Links:

für Spenden auf Deutsch oder Englisch

der Aufruf zur Teilnahme für lokale soziale & ökologische Projekte auf Deutsch & Englisch

die Facebook-Einladung für die Veranstaltung

die Baumhaus-Webseite für Updates und (später) für das genaue Programm

Beste Grüße,

Karen, Scott & das gesamte Emergent Berlin Team

Neighborhood Day :: So 08.06.

/ DE

Wer sind die Leute in deine Nachbarschaft?

Liebe Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn,

seit 4 Jahren wohnen wir hier und lernen immer mehr gute Leute aus unserer Nachbarschaft kennen. Jetzt bauen wir ein “Indoor-Baumhaus”, ein Nachbarschaftscafé und Projektraum als Treffpunkt für Menschen aus dem Wedding und aus ganz Berlin. Gemeinsam wollen wir eine nachhaltige urbane Kultur entwickeln, in der sich Nachbarn gegenseitig helfen und unterstützen.

Wir laden euch am Sonntag, 8. Juni auf die Baumhaus-Baustelle ein! Zwischen 12 und 18 Uhr könnt ihr uns und eure Nachbarn treffen. Wir sind neugierig auf eure Ideen: Wie können wir gemeinsam eine Nachbarschaft schaffen, in der jeder gut leben kann? Bringt gerne Essen, Getränke und Geschichten zum Teilen mit!

Gerichtstr. 23 VH EG
13347 Berlin

Bis bald,

Karen, Scott und das Baumhaus-Team

/ EN

Who are the People in your neighborhood?

Dear Neighbors,

After living here for 4 years, we have met some very nice people and had fun developing some friendly relationships that continue to grow.  Now, we are about to build an indoor tree house so that there can be a place where more people from our neighborhood and Berlin can come and continue to grow a sustainable urban culture of neighbors helping and supporting each other.

We invite you to come by the future Baumhaus space on Sunday, June 8 from 12 until 6 to meet us and some of your other neighbors too.  We are curious to hear your ideas about what you think we can all do together to make our neighborhood a great place to live in.  You are welcome to bring food, drinks and stories to share.

Gerichtstr. 23, front house, ground floor
13347 Berlin

Karen, Scott & The Baumhaus Project Team

/ TU

Değerli komşularımız,

4 yıl burada yaşadıktan sonra çok hoş insanlarla tanıştık ve hala gelişmekte olan yeni arkadaşlar edindik. Şimdi, çevremizden ve Berlin’den insanlarin birbirine yardim ettiği ve destek olduğu sürdürülebilir bir şehir kültürü geliştirmek amacıyla bir ağaç ev inşa etmeye başlıyoruz.

Bizimle ve diğer komşularınızla tanışmak için sizleri 8 Haziran Pazar, saat 12-18 arasi Baumhaus mekanımıza bekliyoruz. Semtimizi mükemmel bir yaşam alanı haline getirmek için parlak ve yaratıcı fikirlerinize ihtiyacimiz var. Yanınızda yemek, içecek ve hikayelerinizi getirmeyi unutmayın!

Gerichtstr. 23 VH EG
13347 Berlin

Karen, Scott ve Baumhaus Proje Ekibi

/ Arabic – Arabisch

من هم الناس في منطقتكم؟

عزيزي الجيران،

بعد أن عاش هنا لمدة 4 سنوات، لقد اجتمع بعض الناس لطيفة جدا، وكان متعة تنمية بعض العلاقات الودية التي تستمر في النمو. الآن، ونحن على وشك بناء منزل الشجرة في الأماكن المغلقة بحيث يمكن أن يكون هناك مكان المزيد من الناس من حينا وبرلين أن يأتي وتستمر في النمو والثقافة الحضرية المستدامة من الجيران مساعدة ودعم كل منهما الآخر.

ونحن ندعوك إلى أن يأتي من قبل Baumhaus الفضاء في المستقبل على الأحد 8 يونيو في الفترة من 12 حتى 6 للقائنا وبعض الدول المجاورة الأخرى الخاصة بك أيضا. نحن الغريب أن نسمع أفكارك حول ما كنت أعتقد أننا يمكن أن تفعل كل ذلك معا لجعل منطقتنا مكانا رائعا للعيش فيه. انكم مدعوون لتقديم الطعام والشراب وقصص للمشاركة.

Gerichtstr. 23، منزل الجبهة، الطابق الأرضي
13347 برلين

كارين، سكوت وفريق المشروع Baumhaus

First Events in The Baumhaus Space! :: 24-25.05. :: Party, Presentations & Workshops

Become a co-creator of a sustainable world around us!

We are happy to support Earthship Biotecture Deutschland in helping to produce a weekend full of opportunities to connect, learn, create and celebrate!

Sa 24.05 @ Universität der Künste

09:00 – 17:00 Seminar with radically sustainable Architect Michael Reynolds / info & tickets

Sa 24.05 @ Baumhaus

20:00 – 02:00 Reception and Party, a chance to gather with kindred spirits and celebrate!  Free Entry – Drinks provided – Donations welcome / Party info

So 25.05 @ Baumhaus

11:00 – 20:00 Presentations from some of Berlin’s up and coming sustainable initiatives + Open Forum Workshops.  Key Question of the day: What can we do together to live more radically sustainable lifestyles?

Perspectives of sustainability to consider – personal, social, ecologic, economic, cultural, aesthetic, energy, water, food, clothing, structures… Free Entry – Drinks provided – Donations welcome / event info, full schedule and updates

Activating Space & Network :: Aktivieren Raum & Netzwerk :: Sa 05.04

(deutsch weiter unten…)

Dear Baumhaus friends, collaborators and supporters network,

Spring is here and our tree is the first to blossom!  We have been keeping quite busy organizing the many aspects of funding and building the Baumhaus.  So in the spirit of continued growth, we would like to extend another invitation to those of you who would like to actively participate in or support our upcoming activities.  As usual we have several ways that we invite you to participate in the evolution of the Baumhaus.

17-19h Meet in Baumhaus space VH Eg to rearrange things & ideas in the space – We will be moving donated wood around to make some simple seating installations so we can start to use the space before the real construction starts.  We will also have paper up on the walls to get your ideas on what you would like to do with the raw space before we start building later this summer. [bring a pair of gloves]

19-21h Cook together and eat upstairs at Baumhaus Planning HQ – Around 18:30 we will assemble a team to go across the street to the grocery store to shop for dinner and drinks.  We will spend this time cooking together and getting to know each other better.

21-21:30h Brief update of the project status – We will give you an insiders view of what we’ve accomplished in the last month and what our upcoming milestones are.

21:30-22:30h Identifying opportunities to participate – An interactive forum to find out what your interests are and how you might like to participate from designing and building parts of the space to developing ongoing and future event programming.  ( We will be signing pre-contracts with our collaborative partners during the next 6 weeks! )

22:30-late Networking & Chilling…

Info & Rsvp here to let us know when you would like to stop by


Your Baumhaus Team



Liebe Baumhaus-Freunde,

der Frühling ist da und unser zartes Projekt-Pflänzchen ist das erste, das blüht! In der letzten Zeit haben wir uns fleißig der Finanzierung und dem Bauvorhaben des Baumhauses gewidmet. Die Planungen schreiten stetig voran: Das Baumhaus wächst und wächst. Damit unser Unterstützerkreis ähnlich gedeiht, möchten wir zu einem weiteren Aktions-Tag einladen. Die Einladung richtet sich an alle, die unsere kommenden Aktivitäten unterstützen oder aktiv daran teilhaben möchten. Wie immer gibt es viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie ihr ein Teil des Evolutionsprozesses des Baumhauses werden könnt.

17 – 19 Uhr: Umbaumaßnahmen im Baumhaus (VH, EG). Wir wollen das gespendete Holz zu einfachen Sitzgelegenheiten umfunktionieren (bringt Arbeitshandschuhe mit!). So kann der Raum schon genutzt werden, noch bevor der eigentliche Bauprozess begonnen hat. Habt ihr weitere Ideen, wie man den freien Raum sinnvoll nutzen kann, bevor es im Spätsommer in die heiße Bauphase geht? An den Wänden werden wir Plakate aufhängen, auf denen ihr eure Ideen und Vorschläge festhalten könnt. [ Handschuhe ]

19 – 21 Uhr: Gemeinsames Kochen und Essen im Baumhaus-Headquarter. Bereits gegen 18:30 werden einige von uns losziehen, um Getränke und Essen einzukaufen. Anschließend wollen wir zusammen kochen, in großer Runde zu Abend essen und uns so besser kennenlernen.

21 – 21:30: Kurzes Update: Wo steht das Projekt jetzt? Aus erster Hand werdet ihr erfahren, was wir im vergangenen Monat erreicht haben und was uns noch bevorsteht.

21:30 – 22:30: Mitmachmöglichkeiten. In einem interaktiven Gesprächsforum erfahrt ihr, was eure Interessen sind und wie ihr euch in das Projekt einbringen könnt. Ob künstlerische Inspiration für das Design, praktische Hilfe beim Baumhaus-Bau oder Planung zukünftiger Events (Innerhalb der nächsten sechs Wochen werden wir erste Vorverträge mit zukünftigen Partnern schließen!): Die Möglichkeiten sind unbegrenzt.

22:30 – Open end. Networking & Chilling bis in den späten Abend…

Lasst uns wissen, wann ihr vorbeikommen wollt. Bei Fragen dürft ihr euch selbstverständlich gerne an uns wenden.


Euer Baumhaus-Team

A great day moving recycled materials into the Baumhaus


We were so happy to have the nice folks from the Living Equia energy efficient house donate enough wood for us to start building the multifunctional room and the toilet rooms in the cellar: thanks again guys!

Also big thanks to everyone who showed up to help pick up the wood and unload it. We completed the whole task in just under 5 hours including picking up and dropping off the truck… with no injuries or accidents!

Afterwards, everyone cooked and hung out for a nice networking evening.

Thanks to our intern Kyuri Chang for the great documentation photos!


Heldenrat workshop on how to effectively use social media

On Weds 19.02.2014, Anna Rösch and Martin Spalek from Berlin Heldenrat organized a workshop by Sascha Dinse “how to effectively use social media” for beginners and intermediate users exploring such platforms such as facebook, twitter, pinterest and many others.

Hedenrat is a nonprofit organization dedicated to giving advice to various organizations and individuals who are engaged in social projects.  In their own words: “Wir sind Berufstätige mit Erfahrung u.a. in den Bereichen Beratung, Projektmanagement, Strategieentwicklung, Qualitätswesen, Veränderungsmanagement, Personalentwicklung, CSR, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Forschung, Coaching und Moderation. Bei Heldenrat engagieren wir uns ehrenamtlich.”

About 27 people from various organizations attended the workshop which went from 6 to 9pm.  The were 2 lecture sections and 2 working session that everyone seemed to enjoy.  It was nice to hear some new perspectives from novices and also contribute our experiences with the Baumhaus community building and informing project.

Designing the Baumhaus Underworld :: Design Session and Social Networking Event :: Fr 21.02

This evening we will be exploring the design options for creating a cozy underworld in the cellar of das Baumhaus.  This is where the toilet rooms and gallery hallway installations will be.

The general concept so far is to create the experience of traveling through the tunnel underneath the tree house and be delivered to 2 portals that open into fantastic worlds, each with their own unique character…

We will walk downstairs and visit the space, go back upstairs to work and later enjoy a nice soiree in a groovy lounge atmosphere.

Schedule and location info for those who would like to participate :: here!

Results & photos from our last open design session :: here!

The next opportunity to help :: Sa 22.02 :: Getting Free Wood for The Baumhaus!


The Living EQUIA Solar House project is donating a bunch of wood that we can pick up on Saturday 22.02. We would like to get 16 people to help us move the wood, 8 at the pick up site @ 12 noon and 8 at the Baumhaus @ 14:30. After we are done we will have a nice meal and hang out together upstairs at Baumhaus HQ.

Just click here to sign up on the help list we set up, fill in your name and select any of the options where you would like to participate. No registration required.  If your plans change, simply go back to the list and unselect.

location addresses & maps
Equia  – Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A
Baumhaus – Gerichtstr. 23 VH EG

plan your transportation here

questions:  THANKS!

Reflections & pics :: Sustainability Drinks

I did not do an official count but I would guess there were at least 90-100 people who made it out on Friday Feb 7 to the first Sustainability Drinks event at betahaus.  I was feeling pretty excited about giving my talk on “Broad Spectrum Sustainability” but the audience was a looking a bit tired after they had just sat through an hour of introductions and the first presentation.  So I decided to take a chance and do an experimental interactive warm up exercise where I quickly divided the audience onto 3 groups and got each group to sing part of a groovy loop.  People warmed up to it quite quickly and it proved to be a humorous interaction for everyone in the room.  At this point I gained most everyone’s enthusiastic attention and an atmosphere of good will and fun filled the room.

My goal was to get people to think more broadly about the concept of sustainable development by stepping beyond the typical perspectives of ecologic and economic frameworks to also consider aesthetic, personal, social and cultural perspectives of sustainability.  This portion of the talk focussed on an understanding of the idea that sustainability = the ability of a system to maintain balance, and how that could be interpreted considering all six perspectives.

Later the talk evolved towards showing how these perspectives on sustainability were used to develop the Baumhaus concept, it’s design and event programming as a “platform for broad spectrum sustainability”.  I included part of the video from of our 3-d fly through as part of the power point slide show that the audience seemed to enjoy.

During the fly through I told people that the Baumhaus is a project to build a public space in the form of an indoor tree house in the Wedding district of Berlin as a platform for collaborative sustainable development.  I spoke a bit about one of the fundamental ideas behind the Baumhaus project: utilizing the transformative super powers of aesthetics, art & design as functional tools to create an environment dedicated to the idea of inspiring people to come together and engage with each other in meaningful ways.

The last part of my talk focussed on giving an example of a how I used a flexible contextual framework called, “The Inner Commons,” that I am developing to explore my own sense of personal sustainability.  The looks on people’s faces were great; I definitely sparked some curiosity, confusion and even started cultivating a few new collaborations…

At the end of my talk I made the big announcement that the Baumhaus has a new partnership with the Thomas Mampel & .garage, a well respected business coaching institute here in Berlin.  The .garage and Baumhaus are now going to be jointly developing a hybrid program for developing and coaching social start-ups with broad spectrum sustainability perspectives.  As part of our partnership the .garage has offered to fund significant part of Baumhaus overhead costs during our design and building phase.

We are really happy to have Thomas Mampel and the .garage as partners along with many of you in our common quest to use frameworks of sustainability as tools to develop more humanely balanced communities and businesses.



p.s. [it might take a bit of editing but I will eventually put parts of my presentation online]

All photos – Andrew James