(auf deutsch weiter unten…)
A fun way to experience the joy of vocalizing together… ( facebook invite )
audio recordings from our second session on Oct 8 ]
audio recordings from our first session on Oct 1 ]
In this workshop we will explore various methods to create improvisational music with voice and body in a comfortable and supportive environment. We will explore how to connect with each other via many musical styles, layering vocal rhythms, melodies, spoken word and tones.
This workshop is designed for singers of all vocal levels from beginners to professionals. Scott will provide the general moderation but any group member can also contribute to guiding us in the creation and discovery of new paths of vocal expression.
So far, we have explored circle singing, polyrhythmic loops, Balinese Kecak chanting, traditional choral singing, freestyle lyrics, vocal and body percussion, water music, emergent improvisational compositions, gospel/spiritual, hip hop, reggae & dub +++
This week (30.10.) we will also try out an actual song: Season of The Witch by Donovan, maybe even with a bit of a hip hop freestyle rap section during a vamp out on the groove… ( lyrics below)
The address is Gerichtstr. 23 in the front house on the ground floor, you can walk in our door from the sidewalk. Please bring snacks and drinks to share.
This is a free event, any voluntary donations from the evening will go towards buying more candles and the general project to build das Baumhaus Berlin.
The next 2 sessions will be on Thursday, 23.10. & 30.10
This meetup was inspired by and is supported by Kati Albert’s “Singing The Groove” meetup group.
Season of The Witch – Donovan (1966)
When I look out my window
Many sights to see
And when I look in my window
So many different people to be
That it’s strange
So strange
You got to pick up every stitch
You got to pick up every stitch
You got to pick up every stitch
Mmmm, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch, yeah
Must be the season of the witch
When I look over my shoulder
What do you think I see?
Some other cat lookin’ over
His shoulder at me
And he’s strange
Sure is strange
You got to pick up every stitch
You got to pick up every stitch, yeah
Beatniks are out to make it rich
Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch, yeah
Must be the season of the witch
You got to pick up every stitch
Two rabbits runnin’ in the ditch
Beatniks out to make it rich
Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch
When I go
When I look out my window
What do you think I see?
And when I look in my window
So many different people to be
It’s strange
Sure is strange
You got to pick up every stitch
You got to pick up every stitch
Two rabbits runnin’ in the ditch
Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch, yeah
Must be the season of the witch
When I go
When I go
DE /
Gemeinsam den Spaß am Singen in der Gruppe entdecken… ( facebook Einladung )
( Audio-Aufnahmen unseres zweiten Treffens am 8. Okt )
( Audio-Aufnahmen unseres ersten Treffens am 1. Okt )
In angenehmer Atmosphäre probieren wir verschiedene Methoden aus, wie wir unter Einsatz unseres ganzen Körpers Musik improvisieren können. Über verschiedene Musikstile, Rhythmen, Melodien, gesprochene Wörter und Töne vernetzten wir uns, bilden eine Gemeinschaft, finden einen “gemeinsamen Ton”.
Der Workshop richtet sich an alle Singbegeisterten, vom Anfänger bis zum Experten. Scott übernimmt die allgemeine Moderation, aber jeder Teilnehmer kann Vorschläge einbringen und neue Übungen vorstellen.
Bis jetzt haben wir folgende Methoden ausprobiert: Circle Singing (“Kreis singen”), polyrhythmische Schleifen, balinesischen Kecak-Gesang, traditionellen Chorgesang, Freestyle, Vokal- und Körpergesang, Wassermusik, emergente improvisierte Kompositionen, Gospel/Spiritual, Hip Hop, Reggae und Dub.
Diese Woche ( 30.10. ) werden wir uns an einem richtigen Song versuchen: “Seasons of the Witch” (Donovan), vielleicht sogar verbunden mit ein bisschen Hip Hop Freestyle Rap.
Wir treffen uns in der Gerichtstr. 23 im Erdgeschoss des Vorderhauses (Tür direkt am Bürgersteig). Bringt Essen und Trinken zum Teilen mit.
Das Event ist kostenlos, wir freuen uns aber über Spenden für die Kerzenbeleuchtung und das Baumhaus-Projekt.
Dieses Meetup wurde und wird inspiriert und unterstützt von Kati Alberts “Singing the Groove”-Meetup-Gruppe.