Program for Week 2 & Documentation of Week 1

Starting right now and straight through the next week, check out the program for Emergent Berlin 2017 Week 2 and enjoy some documentation of Week 1:

Su 10 Sep 18:00 – Workshop + Theme “Cultural Sustainability”
Su 10 Sep 18:45 – Natural Soap-making Workshop
Mo 11 Sep 20:00 – Infoabend #1: Mitmachen bei der COB1 (a people’s climate conference)
Tu 12 Sep 19:00 – Emergent Concert (Live with Dj) + Baumhaus Language Exchange
We 13 Sep 19:00 – Self determined education for everyone? / Selbstbestimmte Bildung für alle? Ein Austauschabend
Th 14 Sep 16:00 – Flying Roasters Tour (starts at Baumhaus Berlin)
Th 14 Sep 17:00 – Community Night & Improvisational Groove Orchestra – vocal jam session
Th 14 Sep 19:00 – Audio for 360 Videos and Virtual Reality
Fr 15 Sep 18:00 – Workshop “Crochet basic stitches”
Stay Tuned for details of the closing events of both Emergent Berlin and Wandel Woche Berlin/Brandenburg on Sept 16 & 17…

Emergent Berlin Day 1 – Personal Sustainability + preceeding week

A great start and a great lead up to our 5th Emergent Berlin fest happening from Sept 2 until 17! Great stuff happening right now and all week including Open Neworking Space, Quick pitches & Project presentations each night + WORKSHOPS:

So 3 Sept: Theme day Ecological Sustainability individual help sessions:
Mo 4 Sept 7p: Making ceramic tiles with Suzanne + Open Space networking
Tu 5 Sept 7p: Learning to eat healthy with Linh Le of Niaria (focus- animal vs plant proteins)
We 6 Sept 7p: Making Up-cycled Chairs with Material Mafia :: Emergent Berlin
We 6 Sept 7:30p: Ana Chandra – Human Revolution ARTelier :: Art/Play/Creativity
Th 7 Sept 6p (Himmel Beet): How to build a mobile solar system?
Th 7 Sept 5p-10p: Baumhaus Community Night / Bio Buffet / Jam Session
Fr 8 Sept 6:30p: Bildet Banden! Und wenn es knirrscht? (Skills for Groups)
Fr 8 Sept 7p: Project Presentation / Workshop “Kollektiv Aktiv” (matching skills, projects and people)
+ week 2 program coming soon!

Evolving Phases and Face of Baumhaus…

It looks like the next 2 weeks will be as fun and productive as the last 2 weeks… Featuring our regular community night, repair cafe and our new Language Exchange night:

Save a date :: Sept 2 until 17 If you are an individual or member of a project and you would to develop some new active collaborations then Emergent Berlin 2017 is for you. Check out the call for participation:

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Emergent Summer Week 1 Documentation

Week 1 was good, Week 2 will be better. Great fun this weekend no matter what weather!

Mo 24 July – Fr 28 July @11 – 18:00 :: Collaborative Building Sessions Week 2 – Emergent Summer 2017
Mo 24 July @ 19:00 :: Film & Info-Abend “Ende Gelände 2017” DE/EN
Tu 25 July @ 20:00 :: Game Night + Special IGO Session
Th 27 July @17:00 :: Community Night & Improvisational Groove Orchestra – vocal jam session  Sa 29 July @11:00 – late :: Baumhaus Pop-Up Shop, We-J (Dj workshop with 3 systems) & Baumhaus Solidarity Party!
Su 30 July @15:00 – 18:00 :: Coffee and Cake in Baumhaus
Su 30 July @16:00 – 19:30 :: 3rd Organizational Gathering – Emergent Berlin Fest 2017
Tu 1 Aug @ 19:00 :: Active Art Salon Nr 7 & Maker Space with Repair Cafe
SAVE THE DATES – September 2 – 10 Emergent Berlin & Wedding Festival of sustainable initiatives. Call for participation up this week!

Transitions From June to July 2017

Lots of action this past week as we prepare for our Summer collaborative creative sessions leading into this Autumn’s Emergent Berlin Festival; announcements soon… In the meantime, join us for our community networking night on Thursday: Sign up for the next earthship alternative sustainable building training session on July 16 with the crew from down2earth:

The Beginning of Summer Fun 2017

Scenes from last week’s community networking night, our transformation of the space (and the back room into a tropical rain forest) for Berlin’s biggest nature festival and a meeting of the local Green Partei Faktion with a bike repair and repair cafe happening outside… In July and August we will be transforming the space again for this September’s next Emergent Berlin Festival. Collaborative creativity sessions will be posted on the Baumhaus calendar soon.

Nerds, Networks & Nourishment

Highlights from Maker Faire where Scott opened the stage and the Baumhaus Nerd Division shared all our innovation knowledge plus a few other interesting projects. Also a few of the latest scenes from our regular collaborative building and community networking diner events on Thursday nights and Lunch on Tuesdays with The Real Junk Food Project: Berlin… Check for specific program updates for this weekend’s special event as part of Berlin’s biggest nature festival: