Das Baumhaus Berlin – Gerichtstr. 23 VH EG (front house, ground floor)
facebook invite / Einladung

(auf deutsch weiter unten…)
A salon style event where 3 provocateurs have 10 minutes each to present an interesting concept or idea related to the topic of “AESTHETIC BALANCE” as catalytic ‘food for thought’ in the form of spoken word, sound or dance. Whereas, “AESTHETICS” refers to all the ways in which it is possible to sense beauty in the world…
After each provocation there will be a short Q & A discussion session where attendees, artists and creators are invited to interpret and transform the provocateur’s input into their chosen media (drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, discussion, etc.).
:: Provocateurs ::
• Isaac Abrams (Woodstock, NY, USA) – Known in some circles as “The Godfather of Psychedelic Art”. In his 70s, he is enjoying a very active renaissance of painting, sculpting and drawing. In 2012 Isaac completed his most ambitious sandblasted glass artwork to date especially for the Baumhaus! We are honored to have him as a special guest provocateur.
• Dr. Andreas Weber (Berlin) – Prolific author, philosopher and academic catalyst. The titles and descriptions of his work speak for themselves:
– Enlivenment. Towards a fundamental shift in the concepts of nature, culture and politics. Ecology series vol. 31. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 2013
– Alles fühlt. Mensch, Natur und die Revolution der Lebenswissenschaften, Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2007. Neu mit einem Vorwort von Michael Succow 2014 thinkOYA, Klein Jasedow.
• Onika Simon (New York/Berlin) – is a design strategist and art curator who runs Spokehub, a think tank for individuals, start-ups and brands. She started the ARTSHO project in 2009, to find a more daring and collaborative way to raise money for charity each year. And after becoming a thinker in London and a doer in New York, she moved to Berlin in 2014 to become an enabler of disruptive and creative progress.
• There will be tables and chairs available to use for people who would like to draw, paint, write, etc. (come early to set up if needed)
• Bring snacks and drinks to share
:: Format ::
18:00 – doors open for set up
19:00 – arrival and socialize
19:30 – introduction to the evening
19:45 – Provocation 1, 10min + Q & A
20:30 – Provocation 2, 10min + Q & A
21:15 – Provocation 3, 10min + Q & A
22:00 – closing statements and feedback
22:30 – open chill out
:: The Golden Rules ::
1) During each of the 10 minutes of Provocation we ask that everyone else in the space remain silent.
2) The entire Baumhaus is an “open greeting zone”, this means that you are invited to introduce yourself to anyone else in the space.
3) This event is free but we do appreciate donations which allow us to continue offering the space for nice events.
** Active Art Salon – An improvisational exploration of how our ideas can influence each other’s work and catalyze this feedback loop with various ideas related to the topic of sustainability and some of its various dimensions: personal, social, cultural, economic, ecologic & aesthetic

DE/ Aktiver Kunst-Salon #2 – “Beauty Salon”
Eine Veranstaltung im Salon-Stil. Drei Provokateure stellen jeweils zehn Minuten lang ein interessantes Konzept oder eine Idee zum Thema “Aesthetik Balance” vor. Diese Denkanstöße (“Food for thought”) können in Form von gesprochenem Wort, Musik oder dargeboten werden.
Nach jeder Provokation findet eine kurze offene Diskussion zwischen den Anwesenden, Künstler*innen und Kreativen statt. Gemeinsam interpretieren und transformieren sie die Idee des Provokateurs in ein Medium ihrer Wahl (Zeichnung, Bild, Skulptur, geschriebener Text, Diskussion etc.).
:: Provocateuren ::
• Isaac Abrams (Woodstock, NY, USA) – Known in some circles as “The Godfather of Psychedelic Art”. In his 70s, he is enjoying a very active renaissance of painting, sculpting and drawing. In 2012 Isaac completed his most ambitious sandblasted glass artwork to date especially for the Baumhaus! We are honored to have him as a special guest provocateur.
• Dr. Andreas Weber (Berlin) – Prolific author, philosopher and academic catalyst. The titles and descriptions of his work speak for themselves:
– Enlivenment. Towards a fundamental shift in the concepts of nature, culture and politics. Ecology series vol. 31. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 2013
– Alles fühlt. Mensch, Natur und die Revolution der Lebenswissenschaften, Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2007. Neu mit einem Vorwort von Michael Succow 2014 thinkOYA, Klein Jasedow.
• Onika Simon (New York/Berlin) – is a design strategist and art curator who runs Spokehub, a think tank for individuals, start-ups and brands. She started the ARTSHO project in 2009, to find a more daring and collaborative way to raise money for charity each year. And after becoming a thinker in London and a doer in New York, she moved to Berlin in 2014 to become an enabler of disruptive and creative progress.
•Tische und Stühle stehen zur Nutzung bereit (kommt rechtzeitig zum Aufbau).
• Bring Snacks und Getränke mit.
18:00 – Aufbau
19:00 – Ankunft und Kennenlernen
19:30 – Einführung
19:45 – Provokation 1, 10 Min + Fragen&Antworten
20:30 – Provokation 2, 10 Min + Fragen&Antworten
21:15 – Provokation 3, 10min + Fragen&Antworten
22:00 – Abschlussrunde und Feedback
22:30 – Offenes Zusammensein und Chill-Out
::Die goldenen Regeln::
1) Während der zehnminütigen Provokation hören alle im Raum zu.
2) Das ganze Baumhaus ist eine “offene Grüßzone”. Das heißt, du kannst mit allen Personen ein Gespräch aufnehmen, ohne die sonst üblichen Berührungsängste und Hemmungen beim Kennenlernen fremder Menschen.
3) Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos. Wir freuen uns aber über Spenden, mit denen wir das Baumhaus auch in Zukunft für ähnliche Veranstaltungen öffnen können.
** Active Art Salon/Aktiver Kunst-Salon – Auf einer improvisatorischen Entdeckungsreise finden wir heraus, wie unsere Ideen sich gegenseitig beeinflussen und erweitern können. Wir fördern diese Feedback-Schleife mit verschiedenen Ideen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit; in interpersonaler, sozialer, kultureller, ökonomischer, ökologischer und ästhetischer Hinsicht.