Building Progress…

…and now a peek into the world of our informal “anger management” workshop part 2, where we talk about the current issues in our lives that distract us in negative ways, write them on a wall and then ‘resolve’ the situation with a rather large hammer…

During our weekly work help sessions we invite volunteers to help renovate the space as part of a focussed and deeply engaging process where we have fun getting some good things done physically, personally, socially, emotionally and intellectually too.

Join a weekly session & choose your own time to help:

* This is part of an emerging video series called, “Building Progress…” where we hope to not only document the building of Das Baumhaus but also of the process of learning, working and building a better world together.

** We are happy to collaborate with builders, helpers, film makers, editors, producers, videographers and creators of all sorts!

Emerging Success 2015

More than 1500 people attended Emergent Berlin to help make his year’s festival the best yet!  The vibe on both days was excellent.  The whole festival area turned into one sprawling ‘open greeting zone’ so people felt very comfortable interacting with each other and ignoring the invisible social barriers that normally exist.

breaking the sound barrier

 Check our Emergent Berlin News page for pictures & videos plus updates about our new academic, social and event cooperations that developed from the festival…

 Join us at our “After Glow” party on Sa 10.10. to celebrate and thank all of our festival volunteers, supporters and participants
 Donate on to help us break even on the festival, only €359 to go!

Preparing The Canvas :: Last Cleaning & Full Scale Modelling Do & Fr Sept. 24 & 25

IMG_1774Gerichtstraße 23, front house, ground floor

Just select the days & time slots that you would like to come by to help: —> <---

Now that the new windows are in…! This week is all about the transition from deconstruction to construction so we will:

1) finish breaking down & storing the last materials
2) doing large & small scale drawings on the floors
3) building full scale models of designs (wood)
4) making small scale models (clay, wood, cardboard)

Music, drinks, good conversations & meal provided.
Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring gloves & clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.


Baumhaus FAQs


Down and Dirty Part 3 :: Clearing out the last big mess…

During these days we will be taking down a few more installations and cleaning the space up:

1) cleaning up the back room
2) moving the last things in the space to storage
3) taking apart installations

Music, drinks, good conversations & lunch provided.
Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring gloves and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.

Just select the days & time slots on the doodle that you would like to come by to help and then just show up on those days, easy!

11:00 – 12:00 —> coffee, meet & greet + planning

Gerichtstr. 23, front house, ground floor (before 12, ring front house bell marked “bolden”)

Music, drinks, good conversations & lunch provided.Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!


Down & Dirty Part 2 :: 25-26 Aug

During these days we will be taking down a few more installations and cleaning the Baumhaus space up:

1) moving the last things in the space to storage

2) taking apart installations

3) cleaning up the back room

* Just select the days & time slots on this doodle that you would like to come by to help and then just show up on those days, easy!

10:00 – 11:00 —> coffee, meet & greet + planning

Gerichtstr. 23, front house, ground floor (ring front house bell marked “bolden”)

Music, drinks, good conversations & lunch provided.Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring gloves and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.


Jamming out some work at Baumhaus on Mi & Do – 19. & 20. Aug

Need a break from working on your summer tan, lounging on the beach, glued to your computer or maybe you just need to recover from that really fun festival… Then you are you are cordially invited to get down and dirty during our next help session on Weds (19.08.) and Thursday (20.08.), time slots are available all day…

Sign up for a volunteer time slot:

In preparation for the soundproof ceiling in the back room, we will be:

1) moving the last things in the space to storage
2) scraping loose material off the ceiling
3) opening up a small section of ceiling for inspection
4) having fun & getting to know some good people

– clothes to get dirty, gloves and any extra safety gear you have to share

Music, drinks, lunch provided…Volunteers for food preparation welcome!

Please use this doodle link ( ) to check box the hours when you can make it. This really helps with planning what work we can accomplish.

Happy Summer to All!

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1 evening, 3 ways to have fun… :: Sa 11.07.15 @ Das Baumhaus

Gerichtstr. 23 VH EG (front house, ground floor)

(auf Deutsch weiter unten!)

This is an evening for new and old members of our growing  Baumhaus community to get introduced to, catch up with and participate in some of our current projects.

18:00 Emergent Berlin festival review and planning meeting – find out what is happening with the festival and how you might like to participate.  Check out the new website (that will be filled up with content soon…)

20:00 Baumhaus design and building meeting – find out what parts of the project there are to work on, join a design, building or support team!

22:00 Chillout and Improv Vocal Groove session – have fun making music together and jamming out on out own improvisational compositions; or just hang out and enjoy the company of all the nice people…

Bring snacks, drinks and good vibes to share.


Ein Abend für Alle, die schon länger im Baumhausprojekt dabei sind oder die neu dazukommen wollen, zum Kennenlernen, Wiedertreffen und Mitmachen in einigen unserer aktuellen Projekte.

18:00 Emergent Berlin Festival Planungstreffen – Infos zum Stand der Dinge und zum Mitmachen

20:00 Design und Baumhausbau Planungstreffen – Infos zum Stand der Dinge und zum Mitmachen

22:00 Chillout and Improv Vocal Groove session – Bleibt, genießt ein Bier, die gute Gesellschaft und hört zu oder macht mit beim Impro-Singen…

Bringt Snacks, Getränke und gute Menschen mit.

Sommerfest, Kleider- & Spielzeugtausch @ Himmelbeet, Samstag 4.7., 15:00 – 20:00

Diesen Samstag ist Sommerfest und Tauschmarkt in unserem wunderschönen Weddinger Nachbarschaftsgarten! Mit dem Tauschring Wedding, Kaffee, Kuchen und Picknick. Klamotten oder Spielzeug tauschen, Nachbarn treffen und Sonne genießen.

If you have no plans for Saturday yet, here is a good one: summer party, picnic and exchange market in our wonderful local neighborhood garden Himmelbeet. Enjoy the sun, plants, music and their great coffee and food… Meet your neighbors an the weddinger exchange circle, bring your old clothes or toys, find new owners for them and new stuff for yourself…

auf der Himmelbeet-Website
auf Facebook

Wir bieten mehrere Praktikumsplätze / We are offering internships

[weiter unten auf deutsch]


We Are Offering Several Transdisciplinary Internship Positions

Join the team of building Berlin’s first hub for sustainable development. Become part of building our 140m2 storefront space and developing the program, events and projects that will run in the Baumhaus after the opening.

You design your own internship: What are your skills and passions and projects you would love to work on? Our goal is to find ways to really work together on what helps grow both you and the Baumhaus.

Every endeavor goes across several areas, as we are a real grassroot project. Be ready to dive into a situation with multiple responsibilities where every part of your work is creating a reality, direct impact on the ground.


Building, Design & Technology

Communications, Media & Marketing

Organizing, Project Management & Administration

Concepts, Program Development & Funding Applications

Full Information



Wir bieten mehrere Praktikumsplätze

Arbeite mit daran, Berlins ersten Hub für nachhaltige Entwicklung aufzubauen, unser 140m2 großes Ladenlokal auszubauen und die Veranstaltungen und Projekte zu planen, die nach der Eröffnung im Baumhaus stattfinden werden.

Du bestimmst dein Praktikum selber: Was sind deine Fähigkeiten, Leidenschaften, Projekte, an denen du gerne arbeiten würdest? Unser Ziel ist es so zusammenzuarbeiten, dass unsere Arbeit sowohl dich als auch das Baumhausprojekt wachsen lässt.

Alle Bereiche in unserem Projekt erfordern ein multidisziplinäres Denken und Handeln. Du kommst in ein echtes Graswurzelprojekt, hast mehrere Aufgaben und hast mit deiner Arbeit direkte Wirkung “on the ground”.






mehr Infos