Project Progress Nov 9 – 15, Plus Invites!

Last week started out with continuing to prototype our bar/kitchen = “bitchen”. Then we did some “prototype testing” of the bar function after an all day vertical and permaculture garden development workshop that started out with an organic vegan brunch!

On Sunday we helped art loft berlin prototype a new event series called “Sunday Afternoon”. A networking and socializing event catalysed by live jazz performances for good people who want make good things happen; next one is Dec 13 with a Baumhaus Open Greeting Zone!

This will be the first of a wonderful series of events to support local community engagement.  We would like to thank our hosts, art loft berlin and Gin Events because they have graciously offered to donate some proceeds from the bar to support Das Baumhaus!  Stay tuned for the official invitations…

Participate in helping build Das Baumhaus!

° Nov 16 – 20 general sessions:

° Thurs Nov 19 – Anger Management Workshop

° Nov 23 – 27 general sessions:

Baumhaus Building Progress :: 13 Nov 2015

The last weeks we focussed on designing and prototyping our hybrid bar/kitchen which we affectionately refer to as our “Bitchen” …  We also made progress with some of our sentient lighting designs for the main space and for the back room.  Designer and artist, Elena Wüst will be helping us to design and build these installations.
In the coming weeks we will be continuing with the kitchen and starting on the structures in the back room as well as planning the Vertical and Permaculture gardens.  Sign up to join our up coming help sessions from Nov 16 to 20 or any other future dates.

Waste Away! :: 23rd – 28th November :: A Series of Events for Waste Prevention Week

In Germany, residents tend to be very diligent at recycling their waste. Despite its high recycling rate (64 %) the country is one of the largest waste generators in Europe. In our neighbourhood Berlin-Wedding we are witnessing the effects every day while piles of rubbish are building up in the streets including abandoned tellevision sets on the sidewalk.

Dematerialisation: Doing more with less

We want to make a change and rise awareness on the importance of waste reduction. Reduce, reuse and recycle: Everyone can make a difference for the benefit of the environment by participating in our activities. The whole programme was developed by the neighbourhood & transition town initiative “Weddingwandler“, the community garden “himmelbeet” and the project room “Baumhaus“.

Looking for wastewatchers: During the Week for Waste Reduction we are organising a ZeroWaste Challenge, a guided tour on garbage free grocery shopping, you can build your own Bokashikitchen compost bucket or visit the waste-to-energy plant Ruhleben. Join us and find out whether you will miss the full dustbin!

For further information (in German only :() check our website:

or the Facebook event:

EIT Alumni Startup Weekend Berlin :: 6th – 8th November

scott eit

On Sunday 8th November, Scott sat on the jury at the Berlin leg of the EIT Alumni Startup Weekend. Over the weekend, more than 250 participants in 5 European cities (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Paris and Stockholm) worked together, sharing ideas and developing business models to find solutions for issues to do with sustainable development and climate change. Altogether, it was a wonderful gathering with plenty of inspiring conversations and actionable output!

Check out the winners in all 5 cities here! 


Where: Gerichtstraße 23, Berlin, Germany (front house, ground floor)

Just select the days and times on our Doodle between 10am and 4pm that you would like to come by to help:

Sign up for November 16 – 20

The next weeks we will be:

1) building framework structures in back room
2) doing large & small scale design drawings
3) making small & large scale models & prototypes (clay, wood, cardboard)
4) design discussions (vertical & permaculture garden + kitchen/bar)
5) lighting design
6) furniture design & prototyping

Bring snacks & drinks to share
Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit messy.


Planning Meeting and Brunch No. 1 for Vertical and Permaculture Garden in das Baumhaus


Saturday, November 14, 2015


Das Baumhaus Berlin, Gerichtstr. 23, 13347 Berlin, front house, ground floor (we’re in the front building, just knock on the door. No need to walk to the back of the building).


This is our first planning meeting for the vertical and permaculture gardens. Everyone is welcome! We are looking to get lots of ideas about plant types, aesthetic designs, watering systems and maybe even an aquaponics system.

All experience levels are welcome in this collaborative project.

Bring snacks, drinks, expertise, curiousity, a collaboratively creative spirit and good vibes to share. We will have lots of tasty organic veggies to cook and clever ideas to put into action!

11 cooking and hanging out
12 eating and having fun
13 workshop
– project introduction
– idea sessions (aesthetic, watering systems, permaculture +)
– presentations and feedback sessions
16 -18 help clean up and have more fun networking

* we have plenty of drawing, sketching and model building materials for prototyping

For more info on the Baumhaus, check out our FAQs and our 3D fly-through.

We’re starting planning on the project now and would like to be finished when the Baumhaus opens in May 2016.

This event on facebook:


Where: Gerichtstraße 23, Berlin, Germany (front house, ground floor)

Just select the days and times on our Doodle between 10am and 4pm that you would like to come by to help:

Sign up for November 9 – 13

The next weeks we will be:

1) building framework structures in back room
2) doing large & small scale design drawings
3) making small & large scale models & prototypes (clay, wood, cardboard)
4) design discussions (vertical & permaculture garden + kitchen/bar)
5) lighting design
6) furniture design & prototyping

Bring snacks & drinks to share
Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit messy.


Designing, Building & Full Scale Modelling :: October 26 – 30 & November 2 – 6

Where: Gerichtstraße 23, Berlin, Germany (front house, ground floor)

Just select the days & times between 10am and 8pm that you would like to come by to help on our Doodle:

Sign up for October 26 – 30

Sign up for November 2 – 6

The next weeks we will be:

1) building framework structures in back room
2) doing large & small scale design drawings
3) making small & large scale models & prototypes (clay, wood, cardboard)
4) design discussions (vertical & permaculture garden + kitchen/bar)
5) lighting design
6) furniture design+prototyping

Bring snacks & drinks to share
Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring gloves & clothes to get messy.



Just select the days & time slots on our DOODLE that you would like to come by to help between Oct 12 & 16 then click ‘save’ on the far right hand side of the table.  More event details

This week is all about the transition from deconstruction to construction so we will be:

1) storing the last materials
2) fixing floors in back room
3) doing large & small scale design drawings
4) making small & large scale models (clay, wood, cardboard)
5) cleaning up a bit

Music, drinks & meal provided.
Volunteers for food preparation are also welcome!

Bring gloves & clothes to get messy.
