Improv Vocal Workshop :: 26 May :: 20:00
Improvisational Groove Orchestra (I.G.O.) – a fun way to experience authentic connection and community through exploring a commonly created sound space. (links to examples below)
We meet every other Thursday to listen, respond, observe and curiously play with the sounds our voices create together. Our objective is to tune into the common feeling we are developing in the present moment.
Most of what we do is with our eyes closed. This allows everyone to be very focussed on only the sound space without any other distractions…
At each session we usually have an equal number of beginners and experienced singers; all levels and voice types are welcome. Scott will explain a few basic and intuitively understandable concepts to make it super easy to dive in and be jamming out within the first 1/2 hour.
It is a learning process in progress, each time balancing ourselves in volume and expression to merge into the group sound space, allowing everyone to hear and be heard, naturally developing our own musical styles.
The last times we explored further into the human sequencer game – a system where one person acts as a conductor, splitting the group into small parts, giving each small group unique impulses that than develop into one composition.
Feel most welcome to come and join us! (please be on time, there are important things to explain before beginning)
20:00: meet-&-greet and hangout
20:30: start warming up!
• You can find recent and older tracks from previous IGO session in Das Baumhaus here:
• Here is a video showing another fun method with larger groups:
The address is Gerichtstr. 23 in the front house on the ground floor, you can walk in our door from the sidewalk. Please bring healthy snacks to share, we will have some drinks in the fridge on a donation basis, we also have hot water for tea & coffee.
* This is a free event for now, but we please ask you to generously donate whatever you feel the experience is worth. All your donations go toward helping us pay the rent while we build Das Baumhaus this Spring and Summer. What is Das Baumhaus?
** Please also consider making a donation to our crowd-funding campaign so we can complete the Baumhaus to officially open in September. If everyone who reads this donates 5€ and spreads the word we can really make this a crowd effort!
*** If you would like to help us finish building and designing Das Baumhaus then go here:
Exclusive Interview :: Aftab Omer, President of Merdian University :: Berlin Symposium Sat 21 May
Interview with the Mayor of Berlin-Mitte
A short extended interview with Christian Hanke, the Mayor of Berlin-Mitte, on why he thinks Das Baumhaus is a project worth supporting… (german language with english subtitles)
Please support us in building a better Berlin and world today!
Our Crowdfunding is LIVE!
Our crowd-funding is officially LIVE online now! Our first featured prize is quite limited, 10% off 10 tickets for a participatory symposium in Neukölln hosted by Meridian University in just 10 days from now…
Sat 21 May – “Imagination and Social Healing: Learning to Share Our Worlds” The main question being addressed: How can we come together to transform our thinking, and our culture, if we each see a different reality?
Book it out here.
More info here.
(if you get one of the 10 tickets we are offering on startnext, please be sure to email us for your registration code)
There are Lots of other cool rewards including pre-booking the space and some new ones we will post throughout our campaign.
Using OSCE Days 2016 (Open Source Circular Economy) to transform Emergent Berlin 2016
We are pleased to announce the first meeting for this year’s Emergent Berlin festival of sustainable initiatives on Tuesday, May 17 from 20-22:00 at Das Baumhaus, Gerichtstr. 23. This will just be a kick-off warm up gathering to bring old and new faces together and exchange general visions and ideas.
This year, we will participate in the OSCE Days on June 12 and 13 and use the time to plan how we can make the Emergent Berlin festival (September 23-25) an open source and zero waste event.
Find out more about our challenge here.
Find out more about OSCE here.
Wedding’s Zero Waste Week Wins EU-Award !
Today, Weddingwandler, himmelbeet and Baumhaus won the EU-Award for last year’s Zero Waste Week in Wedding. Big thanks & gratulations to Signe Heins, founding member of Baumhaus-Verein, and to Meike Stark from Himmelbeet, who are both part of WeddingWandler, for putting together such a great program, and for you passion about this topic! We’re looking forward to more Zero Waste projects in Baumhaus and beyond…
Here‘s some more info about Zero Waste Week and the award.
Active Art Salon Nr. 6 :: Feedback
21 people, 4 rounds of provocateurs, lots of creative exploration, tons of good conversations, plentitudes of insights, great quantities of fun and laughs plus some healthy portions serious focussed engagement etc… Which, hopefully, will all make more sense when the podcast comes out. Until then, you can always reference the original invite and intent.
… or stop by the next one…
1 Big “Thank You!” to everyone who was there to help create a beautiful evening of satisfying connection with ourselves and each other…
Building and Other Progress :: April / May 2016
- more work was done to the structures in the seminar room
- water was installed in the kitchen
- cement floors were poured in the kitchen and toilet
- we will install walls on some structures
- build the last major frameworks for a walk in (and on) piece of furniture
- continue designing and developing aesthetic details in the seminar room, the main tree structure, the bar and kitchen.
12:05:2016 :: Improvisational Groove Orchestra Session #33
A fun way to experience the joy of vocalizing together…
Improvisational Groove Orchestra (I.G.O.) – a place for the community to explore the commonly created soundspace. In 2016, we have already met 4 times to observe, create and enquire about the connecting forces that our voices can develop when merging into one. As always, people from many nations and backgrounds, total beginners to professionals gathered together to connect in that very special way.
With eyes closed, we normally start with some warm up exercises for voice and body, and then begin to intuitively compose beautiful and uniqie pieces starting with just one impuls – a beat, a melody or some percussive sounds made with our bodies.
One of our goals: How can we provide a sound space in which everybody can hear, listen and tune into each other. It is a learning process in progress, each time balancing ourselves in volume and expression to merge into the group sound space, allowing everyone to hear and be heard.
The last times we explored further into the human sequencer game – a system where one person acts as a conductor, splitting the group into small parts, giving each small group unique impulses that than develop into one composition.
Feel most welcome to come and join us!
20:00: meet-&-greet and hangout
20:30: start singing
(please be on time, there are important things to explain before beginning)
• Check out a short clip from our last IGO session in Das Baumhaus:
• Here is a video showing another fun method, the human sequencer game:
The address is Gerichtstr. 23 in the front house on the ground floor, you can walk in our door from the sidewalk. Please bring snacks to share, we will also have hot water for tea.
This is a free event, any voluntary donations from the evening will go towards the general project as we build Das Baumhaus Berlin this Winter and Spring.