An interview with social entrepreneur and activist Daniel Hires

As part of our final push we have added some special new rewards to our crowdfunding featuring some nice offerings from social entrepreneur and activist Daniel Hires who has supported the Baumhaus from early on.

We sat down with him to share some of his thoughts on how to make the world a better place through Das Baumhaus and why he thinks people should support us!

14.07.16 :: Wie kommen wir weiter mit “Zero Waste” in Berlin und unserer Nachbarschaft?


Wo: himmelbeet, Ruheplatzstr. 12, 13347 Berlin

Wann: Donnerstag 14.07.16 – 19.30 – 21.00

Wie “Zero Waste” können wir leben? Was können wir im Wedding als Teil der Nachbarschaft und Zivilgesellschaft machen? Welche Rahmenbedingungen muss die Politik im Land setzen, um Berlins Müllberg zu reduzieren?

WeddingWandler, Baumhaus und die beiden grünen Landespolitikerinnen Antje Kapek (Fraktionsvorsitzende) und Silke Gebel (umweltpolitische Sprecherin) laden ein zum Austausch und Brainstorming ins sommerliche himmelbeet Low Waste Café. Wissende, Engagierte und Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!

Als Input wird Silke Gebel ihre Thesen zu Zero Waste in Berlin vorstellen, und über den Stand der Dinge und mögliche Ansatzpunkte in Berlin informieren. WeddingWandler und Baumhaus engagieren sich zum Thema Zero Waste in ihrer Nachbarschaft. Nachdem sie gemeinsam mit dem himmelbeet den EU-Award für ihren Beitrag zur Europäischen Woche der Abfallvermeidung gewonnen haben, soll es jetzt weitergehen. Auf der Veranstaltung wollen sie ihre neue lokale Zero Waste Initiative vorstellen, diskutieren und Ideen sammeln.

**** Hintergrundinfo: Zero Waste für Berlin *****

In Berliner Privathaushalten laden jährlich mehr als 800.000 Tonnen Siedlungsabfälle in den Tonnen. 70% davon werden verbrannt und nur energetisch genutzt. Bei jeder Verpackung, die im Mülleimer landet, geht Energie verloren, Ressourcen werden verbraucht und die Umwelt belastet. Zero Waste ist das Konzept der Abfallvermeidung – Ressourcen werden werden wiederverwendet und möglichst geschlossene Kreisläufe geschaffen.

Zero Waste für eine Stadt mit 3,5 Millionen Einwohner*innen, das klingt nach einer verrückten Idee. Aber Schritte zu Zero Waste wären durchaus gangbar. Warum zum Beispiel gibt es kein Mehrwegsystem für Coffee-To-Go-Becher á la Festivalbecher, was vom Land unterstützt wird? Und warum werden Alt-Elektrogeräte auf den Wertstoffhöfen direkt verschrottet und keinem Funktionstest unterzogen?

Zero Waste ist in erster Linie Abfallvermeidung, denn der beste Abfall ist der, der gar nicht erst anfällt. Und es ist sogar europäische und deutsche Gesetzgebung mit der sogenannten Abfallhierarchie, nach der die Vermeidung der Abfälle oberste Priorität, gefolgt von Weiternutzung und Recycling hat. Erst dann ist die Verbrennung mit einem hohen Heizwert gestattet. Letztere Regelung wird wohl demnächst gekippt werden, Recyclingunternehmen und Umweltverbände hatten auf Einhaltung der Abfallhierarchie geklagt und moniert, dass zu viel Müll verbrannt wird.

Denn so sieht es auch in der Berliner Realität aus: Der Haus- und Gewerbemüll wird verbrannt. Für einen kurzen Moment wird zwar Energie erzeugt, langfristig wird aber vor allem die „Ressource Kunststoff“ zerstört, für deren Herstellung Erdöl genutzt wird. Hier ist die aktuelle Abfallbilanz des Landes Berlin aus dem Jahr 2014.

Facebook Event

Volunteers At The Heart of The Project

VIDEO (German language with english sub titles)

The Power of Volunteers! We still need your help!

Meet Sascha, a warm-hearted regular guy who has helped the project on and off for more than a year now. The vast majority of what has been done around the Baumhaus has been done by volunteers. Over 125 volunteer hours on average each week helping with everything from designing, building, developing event programming, cooking, documenting in text, video and imagery!


New people are always welcome sign up here to help out this coming week (KW 28) July 11 – July 15

(let us know if you can only make it on the weekends so we can plan some special sessions)

This week, kitchen & bathroom floor tiles will get installed by Yehea Ahmed, a tile expert from Syria who we can learn from. +


• shopping for tile glue and supplies
• clearing up space in kitchen and baths
• front walls clear for electrician
• drawing and sketching ideas for bar and back room
• KLAUS – bike repair from 5 until 7 & an introduction to his building peace course at 8


• we need a group of 10 people go to the Stattbad at 10 in the morning to gather tiles, wood, sinks, door hinges and other cool stuff
• someone from FLUX fm will be here to record some interviews and short statements to be edited together for a crowd-funding push story they will broadcast this Thursday
• the electrician will start installing cables in the front of the main room starting early
• Frank the architect will be here at 1
• Yehea Ahmad, our Syrian tile expert will start installing tiles in the kitchen and be finished with everything before the next Monday
• Baumhaus Solidarity Küfa with Wedding Wandler at 7pm, bring food and drinks to share
WEDS (we need people help pick up and spread our postcards and the good word on social media during our last week of crowd-funding all week long!)

Chip in 5 to keep the dream alive!

• continue helping Yehea with the tiling all week
• the changer hangout + other events

THURS (work all day, work/play all evening)

Our collaborative Zero waste event at Himmelbeet community Garden from 3 until 7
• Open office hours at Baumhaus from 7 until

FRIDAY (work all day, work/play all evening)

• On Friday from 2-7 we have invited people to come by to help with lighting installations then chill as part of this year’s Tech Open Air event.…



SIGN UP TO HELP KW 29 (July 18 – July 22)

• wood mosaic, lots of sanding and shaping of wood for pieces on bar and backroom wall
• start the interior design process for men’s toilet room
• prepare to assemble the stairs to the back door exit
• prepare materials for constructing samba stairs in the back room

Vertical Gardening Meeting VII Recap

fresh compost

On Tuesday, June 28th we had an open meeting in our treehouse to work on two of our vertical gardening systems. One of them is the hydroponic “Lush Jungle” system where plants will cover a large surface on the wall. The other one is the “vermiculture system”, a compost system with worms.

In the last few weeks, Miriam and Tim, both Urban Garden and Free Space Management students at local Beuth University, calculated which plants work well for the big hydroponic system. Anna looked up pictures online and cut them out so we could place them next to each other to design the garden. But there were more suggestions for plants delivered this evening. The two experts explained why the system had to be homogenous and simple and why flowering plants are a bad idea. Eventually, we will select five final plants which we will cut out on the computer so we can design the garden. The whole system should be ready by the end of August/beginning of September. In a next step we also have to think about setting up the watering system in the cellar.

The vermiculture group was very blessed to have Hany Elkhodary, Co-founder of Würmer Hof, come all the way from Frankfurt Oder to meet and help out with the worm compost system. He had some valuable insights for us: Give the worms some leaves to balance the carbon/nitrogen levels. Separate the soil from the worms by holding a light over the soil, then scrape away the first layer and so on. We should also cut the kitchen scraps into pieces. Worms won’t travel from one box to another, we should just duplicate the same system in the other box.

Next up: Get the worm gang together, harvest some fresh compost, find a way to chop the kitchen waste in a WG-friendly way.

our expert Hany
“You’ve got to feel it!”


Baumhaus Soli-Party :: Friday July 8 @Anita Berber

Doors at Anita Berber will open at 23:00 but you are welcome to join us for a special tour and hang out in the Baumhaus from 21:30 until the show begins.
Orb NonFB3
It’s time for the first Baumhaus Soli-Party! As we approach the final 3 weeks of our crowd-funding campaign and the last 12 weeks of construction and preparation before we open our doors in September, we want to inject some fresh fun energy into the mix.
We are pleased to present a living legend, 
Dr. Alex Paterson (The Orb) – Dj Set
Alex, a true pioneer in the electronic music scene for over 25 years, is still on top of his game and will grace us with one of his epic transformative journeys in support of the Baumhaus’ epic adventure to open this September. 
Dr. Alex returns to Berlin, the womb of creativity where he and the second longest serving member of the Orb, Thomas Fehlmann, created their 2015 full length release, “Moonbuilding 2703 AD” – a major piece of psychedelic synth bliss, obscure loops and deep ambient textures, driven by swinging breakbeats and powerful bass lines. Or, as Alex says in his own words, “it’s a solid piece of music that mutates into an eight legged lunar Land Rover and takes off into a cosmic horizon of a million sounds, patterns and textures. It spins the listener on his/her head, rewiring their brains to maximum capacity, then brings them home, sweet home.”
A video from the making of the Album: 
Expect more of the same vibes pulsing from the well tuned sound system at Anita Berber…
9€ at the door, a limited number of tickets will be available through the Baumhaus crowd-funding site soon:

(I.G.O.) Improv Singing Session #35 :: Th 23 June @ 8:30 in Baumhaus


This will be our first session since major structures have been added to the room. I have a feeling this will be a very special evening… -Sb

Improvisational Groove Orchestra (I.G.O.) – a fun way to experience authentic connection and community through exploring a commonly created sound space. (links to examples below)

We meet every other Thursday to listen, respond, observe and curiously play with the sounds our voices create together. Our objective is to tune into the common feeling we are developing in the present moment.

Most of what we do is with our eyes closed. This allows everyone to be very focussed on only the sound space without any other distractions.

At each session we usually have more beginners rather than experienced singers; all levels and voice types are welcome. Scott will explain a few basic and intuitively understandable concepts to make it super easy to dive in and be jamming out within the first 1/2 hour.

It is a learning process in progress, each time balancing ourselves in volume and expression to merge into the group sound space, allowing everyone to hear and be heard, naturally developing our own musical styles.

The last times we explored further into the human sequencer game – a system where one person acts as a conductor, splitting the group into small parts, giving each small group unique impulses that than develop into one composition.

Feel most welcome to come and join us!

20:00: meet-&-greet and hangout

20:30: start warming up!

(please be on time, there are important things to explain before beginning)

• You can find recent and older tracks from previous IGO session in Das Baumhaus here:

• Here is a video showing another fun method with larger groups:

The address is Gerichtstr. 23 in the front house on the ground floor, you can walk in our door from the sidewalk. Please bring healthy snacks to share, we will have some drinks in the fridge on a donation basis, we also have hot water for tea & coffee.

* This is a free event for now, but we ask you to please generously donate whatever you feel the experience is worth. All your donations go toward helping us pay the rent while we build Das Baumhaus this Spring and Summer.

** Please also consider making a donation to our crowd-funding campaign so we can complete. If everyone who reads this donates 5€ and spreads the word we can really make this a crowd effort!

*** If you would like to help us finish building and designing Das Baumhaus then go here:
