Special thanks to special people

We are back to working every weekday from 10 until 10 unless we have a gathering in the evening… Like this Monday and every Thursday when The Real Junk Food Project: Berlin will cook another bio rescued food dinner feast for helpers and visitors.

We still need more hands each day this week to jam the next finishing work out. Skilled and unskilled help is welcome! Everyday something in the space is transforming.

Another heart-felt big thanks go out to all the generous and wonderful people who have helped to build the space and event program so far!

Building Weeks! Clay & Mosaic Workshops +

Clay Building

Next steps until our opening on September 24

Dear Baumhaus friends, Thousand thanks to all of you for supporting our crowdfunding (16,038€) – and to all of you who came by in the last week for the first time and helped on the construction site! The last weeks we tried to do our homework internally as well, grow smarter and restructure our building team. Now we’re stepping forward towards opening together, and we’re happy about everyone who comes by for a few hours and pitch in so we can open on September 24!


Join us this week (everyday from 11 until late) for an extended mosaic session, building beautiful recycling 3D mosaics and roots in the Baumhaus bathrooms.

PAINTING, WOODWORKING Every day starting at 10am we’re at the construction site. Come by, check out our progress and pitch in! No special skills required. We paint, clean, work with wood… and in the afternoon there is food for everyone.


We’re excited: The clay work will start Wednesday! Who wants to participate?  No experience needed.  (workshop runs everyday, Wednesday until Sunday, August from 11 until 9pm.

Thanks, Scott, Karen & the entire Baumhaus Team

p.s. Baumhaus video and text Portrait – Berlin im Wandel

For All Mosaic Lovers Aug.16-21

A week full of mosaic work – come by for a couple of hours or longer and help creating beautiful recycling 3D mosaics in the Baumhaus bathrooms. Schedule for mosaic sessions:
Tuesday (Aug 16) 10am – 4pm (or longer..)
Wednesday (Aug 17) 10am – 4pm (or longer..)
Thursday (Aug 18) 10am – 4pm (or longer..)
Sunday (Aug 21) noon – 6pm (or longer…)

What we will do: First we cut and rasp gas concrete blocks in the shape of roots and fix them onto the walls. Then comes the destruction work: hammering old ceramic tiles into little pieces… before we revive them to beautiful patterns on the root shapes. Grouting…. et voilá! Stunning recycling 3D mosaic – made by you!

We have quite some mosaic material already, but you can still bring old dishes or tiles (max 8mm thick) in earthy colours or blue and greenish shades.

Looking forward to mosaicking with you! (Questions, ideas, comments? info@baumhausberlin.de)


Vertical Garden Meeting IX


Where: Das Baumhaus, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin

7:00 pm meet and greet
7:30 pm begin

It’s part two of our vertical garden plant arrangement meeting.
During the last meeting we managed to come up with some wonderful designs for the new garden that will cover a large area on the wall. We then picked out our favorite patterns. Now we have to see how we arrange the plants to match the pattern.

Facebook event 


We need more financing and volunteers to stay on track to open September 24!


Now we need your help to realise this project or there is a good chance that we will not make it and the Baumhaus project COULD BE EFFECTIVELY OVER unless there is another miracle out there waiting for us…

Contribute to our crowd funding until August 9 :: Volunteer to help build until September 20 (See below for links and details)

So, if you know the project and you can help us make it happen, then now is the time to help!

If you do not know the project yet, then we invite you to check it out. We are building an indoor tree house (Das Baumhaus) as an event and project space (meetings, workshops, co-working, project development, social gatherings etc…) for people in Berlin who want to get active in making Berlin and the world a better, more balanced and more sustainable place… everyday! A special space for people who want to have fun but get some practical good things done together.  https://www.baumhausberlin.de/en/

During the last 4 years, over 300 people built the project together with more than 15000 hours of volunteering, legal planning and gathering 92,000€ worth of financing. Now is the last step where we need support from the community to actually, finally make it happen.
There are 2 important ways to help now and over the next 7 weeks to keep the dream alive:

Action NOW

Make a donation in any amount to our crowd-funding campaign before the end of the day Tuesday August 9.


If we can get a total of 15,000€ until August 9 then we get the money and can continue financing the project so that we can open September 24. With over 11,000€ to it may seem like an impossible task but it’s not too late!

Consider this quest as a metaphore similar to dealing with global warming, we have very little time to solve this problem and we need to get as many people as possible to contribute to the cause.

Your contribution now is a concrete step in making a better world a reality by providing a space to connect, engage, empower, inspire, activate and give visibility to the idea of collaboration across cultural, social, economic and other boundaries.


Volunteer to help paint, build installations, make lighting installations, do finishing work with wood, work on mosaics, help make clay walls, cook for volunteers, take photos and videos of the process, help develop the event programming for the first month of our opening plus a bunch of other stuff.

We work everyday form 10 in the morning until 7 in the evening. Go to this page, pick a week to help and sign up:


(more dates will be available in September soon)


Scott, Karen & the entire Baumhaus Team

Vertical Gardening Meeting VIII

In our eighth vertical gardening meeting on July 27, 2016, we grabbed pencils and coloring pens and made  some nice sketches for our indoor “Lush Jungle” Vertical Garden. The hydroponic, i.e. soil free garden, is not only going to be a large surface area covered with plants but we want to create a pattern so it fits in with the organic architecture of the Baumhaus space. At the end of the meeting we ranked the sketches to find out which ones are the most suitable. During our next meeting we have to find out if the pattern works with the watering system.

best patterns
The winning patterns
All patterns
All the patterns

Live Video Chat with The Founders of Das Baumhaus Berlin :: Sun, July 31, 7:00 PM GMT+2

Berlin, Karen Wohlert und Scott Bolden wollen in einem Atelier einen Nachbarschaftstreff einrichten. eine Geschichte ¸ber
Berlin, Karen Wohlert und Scott Bolden wollen in einem Atelier einen Nachbarschaftstreff einrichten. eine Geschichte ¸ber “Das Baumhaus”, eine Kiezinitiative im Wedding. In der Gerichstrafle 23, gegen¸ber vom Stattbad Wedding
Foto: Kai-Uwe Heinrich

This will be a 1 hour live video hangout where the founders of Das Baumhaus Berlin, Karen Wohlert and Scott Bolden will give a short introduction to the project and then spend the rest of the time answering your questions. Questions can be asked and answered in german or english live by video chat or text.

—>  Here is the link to join the video chat  <—

You can also send questions in english or german to: baumhausberlin@gmail.com before the hangout

Why We Are Doing This…

We want to make sure people understand what we are doing with the project, how it works and why we need support for our crowd-funding campaign ending on August 9, 2016. We have a friend who will contribute 7.500€ if we can raise that much more by August 9 so that we meet our funding threshold and get the money! That means we just have to raise a bit under 5.000€ until August 9!

This video chat will be recorded and posted for later viewing.


Karen & Scott & The Entire Baumhaus Team

A Vision Worth Making Happen! Updates, News and Action…

The Baumhaus grand opening will be on the weekend of September 23-25 as a part of our Annual Emergent Berlin Festival.

In June, we built the engineering prototype, documented it and unbuilt it so we can get it approved and rebuilt in January.

We can ONLY realize this with YOUR HELP. We need to get at least 15.000€ through our crowd-funding to make this happen. Please chip in 5€, the price of 2 beers, or almost a trip there and back on the U-Bahn… What is it worth to you to help us create a space we can all use everyday to make the world a better place.

EN https://www.startnext.com/en/baumhausberlin
DE https://www.startnext.com/baumhausberlin

We have done all we can do… now we need your help to reach our goal until AUGUST 9!

Please ask your friends and family to contribute adn if they need convincing show them our short 2 min film “It’s Not Too Late…”:

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In the meantime, here is what else got done:

• The sound-proof ceiling finsihed being installed

• We prototyped our upcycled magnetic clay wall concept

• We had our 7th Vertical and Permaculture garden meeting focussing on Vermiculture, making fertile soil with worms and compost. next meeting is 27.07 on plant selection.

• Pop Chor Berlin did a rehearsal and recorded our theme song plus a new one we improvised together. Next improv singing event is 04.08.

• Every week, we got a delivery form our local bio-farmer as part of our neighborhood CSA group.

• On the same day, Radio Eins broadcasted live from the Baumhaus all day, while we worked on design details for the bar and bathrooms. Later that evening we had our Soli-party with Dr. Alex Paterson form the Orb. We listen to his set while we work. Dr Alex will come back on Sept 24th and play our grand openign party at Panke e.V. in our building! LISTEN TO OUR INTERVIEW HERE (auf Deutsche!):

• We made good progress tiling the floors in the kitchen and toilet rooms.

• We hosted an event with Silke Gebel from the Green Party of Berlin and our partners Himmelbeet community garden and Wedding Wandler (local transition town network) about how to make our neighborhood ‘Zero Waste’ .

• We also hosted a hack-a-thon with our lighting team and several other participants as part of the Tech Open Air fetstival. We designed our manufacturing process for floor sensors that we will build, we defined some lighting scenarios for our sentient lighting, we prototyped the lighting for our glass mosaic art work and we installed the new wireless controller into the Orchid Lamp.

• Hilke brought by more rescued food to add to what we got from The Real Junk food Project so we can feed our volunteers healthy food.

Join In to help build the space and the program THIS and the NEXT WEEKS:


We will be:

Doing design work on the bar, building the interior of the kitchen, doing design work on the back room and planning mosaic work… Plus a whole lot more!

p.s. FLUX fm will be here during the day Weds 27.07.2016 from 9:30 until 11:00 in the morning to check us out, do interviews with our helpers and do a story on our crowd-funding!

Tech Open Air Fest :: Sentient Lighting an Indoor Tree House & Other Fun

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 13.12.40

When: Friday 15.07.16 13:00 – 19:00

Where: Baumhaus Berlin, Gerichtstrasse 23, 13347 Berlin

Price: FREE

We are developing various different lighting installations for Das Baumhaus that will be reactive to visitors of the space as well as pre-programable and manual options. All the installations will communicate with each other via bluetooth and be triggered by sensors in the floor and the locations.

We are looking for hackers, designers, engineers, builders, makers and artists who would like to participate in a day long hack-a-thon to help develop some more installations.

Some of the lighting projects we are working on will be installed in the Baumhaus when it opens September 23, 2016.  Other installations will be continuously installed over the next year.  Participants in this workshop are invited to join our all volunteer lighting team to develop new lighting installations and products.  There are also many other different ways to join the general Baumhaus project…

Current lighting projects include

• Orchid Lamp – one is done, 2 more are planned (aesthetic design, building, programming)


• Achiele Flower Lamp – Still needs programming


• Isaac Abrams sandblasted glass panels – Building the frame and lighting it


Please let us know to expect you by booking FREE ticket on eventbrite.

This event is part of Tech Open Air festival. To learn more about TOA16 and book your conference tickets, visit toa.berlin.