Emergent Summer 2017

emb2017 fb meet 1This summer we are extending an open invitation for change makers, neighbors and organizations to participate in some of our upcoming “collaborative creative building sessions” as well as help organizing events and projects in the Baumhaus.

Check our calendar for meeting days and times until September 1…

These weeks will involve working on two major collaborative projects that will be continuously documented in the main space:

1) Continue building and detailing elements of the Baumhaus space

working on a wide variety of projects that involve basic wood working & finishing (The Main Tree), sewing & working with fabrics (Art Curtains), ceramic mosaic design & installation, wood mosaic design & installation plus other small projects.

Use the doodle link below to let us know which days and times you will stop by with clothes you don’t mind getting messy anytime between 11 and 19:00 from Mon, July 17 until Sat, July 22. Bring food and snacks to share, we have a full kitchen…

–> https://beta.doodle.com/poll/kbvg7ef5ne62844k (you must have health insurance to be covered by ours if you want to work with tools)

2) Organizing the Emergent Berlin Festival & Program (September 2 until 10)

presentations, workshops, discussions, games, pitches, art & design, celebrations, salons, films & music, movement & other great ideas we come up with!

Festival Website

Check our calendar for meeting days and times until September 1…

The First 2 weeks of May in review

So much happened in the recent weeks that this album documents what happened a couple weeks ago including prototyping architectural graphic elements, impromptu social work, installing the controllers on the sentient tree light, saving – schlepping – cooking – and – serving over 100kg of bio food, several strategy sessions, hammock making, window making and mosaic work!

Once again a very smooth blending from one week to the next… Many plans and actions in the process of realization throughout various stages… Stop by our next regular Thursday evening community night to find out more or participate: https://www.facebook.com/events/674007722798316/

Now that we are open everyday from 3 until 6 during the week, feel free to stop by to do some co-working on your own project or collaborate with some of ours…  Check the calendar for special events: https://www.baumhausberlin.de/en/programm/

Need a place to meet for your project or group: https://www.baumhausberlin.de/en/space/


Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 19.40.06Participate in a 1-day practical building experience with our friends from “Earthship Biotechture Duetschland”, the platform for alternative building, learning and living. The workshop will be organized by Hery and Lale from Down2Earth and enable you to experience communal building, creating something with your hands and possibly realizing skills you didn’t even know you had!