We are currently organizing our next Emergent Berlin festival, basically what we do at Baumhaus, but on a bigger scale and more intense. The festival will be in several event spaces in our building at Gerichtstr. 23 including Baumhaus, Panke and several other spaces. We would like to get around 2000 people to come out between June 13 – 15.
We will need some help organizing various parts of the festival and some more content if you are interested in helping out with this project… Below is a description of the event, if you’re interested let me know and we can have a phone chat to get a better focus on any synergies…
The theme and spirit of this year’s Emergent Berlin festival will be, “Reclamation”. The festival will focus on regular everyday people from all walks of life reclaiming their agency and ability to have a positive practical impact on society, reclaiming the narrative of what a good or successful economy looks like, reclaiming our ability to live humane, meaningful and satisfying lives in balance with ourselves, each other and the natural world.
We offer people and organizations to participate this year by hosting a short presentation, workshop, panel discussion, film screening, art, music, performance, displaying promotional materials or however else they can. Since the event is a lot about perspective and skill exchange, the format will be a ‘Superhero Training Camp’ where we can have fun helping each other get new ideas, perspectives, alliances, support, visibility and above all, an authentic sense of solidarity in the realization that we are all on the same team – team save ourselves, each other and life on the planet, each working in different areas to accomplish the same goal.
This alliance of everyday superheroes is known as The Evengers, those who dedicate themselves to bringing more balance (evenness) into the world personally, ecologically, aesthetically, culturally, economically and socially – PEACES. We will also use this festival to launch a new well curated website, ourworld.solutions that will list and network various different organizations and individuals who are working on the same goals from many different perspectives. We hope to attract a lot of media to cover the festival to the benefit of all.
Next meeting – contact us
Gerichtstr. 23 VH Eg
13347 Berlin
instagram – @baumhausberlin