The colorful world of Circle Singing

2. May 2017 um 19:00 – 22:00
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The colorful world of Circle Singing
Circle singing makes it possible to discover unimagined musical expressions beyond the criteria of “chorability” or prescribed musical sequences. The basis of “Circle Singing” is the repetition and superposition of small musical phrases. Through variations or improvisations wonderful melodic patterns and sound carpets emerge out of the moment.
Circle singing means feeling the energy and joy of singing, being part of a big whole, and using the power of singing for our everyday life. Circle songs can be practiced in a variety of levels or ages. Everyone can participate according their musical possibilities and experiment as a part of a big whole in free singing without notes.
We experiment with different types of Circles, live arrangements and instant compositions, with melodies, body and mouth percussion.
How Circle singing sounds in the original, you can listen here:
Wie Circle singing im Original klingt, könnt Ihr hier anhören:
Or here:
Organizer: Kati Albert

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