1. August 2019 um 9:30 – 21:00
Das Baumhaus Berlin
Gerichstr. 23
13347 Berlin
Gerichstr. 23
13347 Berlin

During this session we will be focusing on finishing some aesthetic detailing on an indoor facade. 2 full days of sharing some of our simple building techniques with hands-on experience realizing some cool installations like:
• transforming temporary use thin wooden vegetable crates into the structural framework for a 3D organic twisting curve
• shaping and cutting the frame for curved work surface
• using tree branches to create aesthetic installations
• applying clay to a section of wall (Lehmputz)
+ We will have several other smaller projects to work on as well including some basic wood working, making up-cycled chairs from tetra paks and a few other basic projects…
Experts, intermediate and beginners are welcome to join but you must have health insurance to participate… We have a range of basic tools we will work with.
Please RSVP to info@baumhausberlin.de and let us know your experience level and confirm which days +times that you plan to come for.
Pay as you feel: Please consider the value of your time spent in the Baumhaus, how much you would like support Baumhaus as a hub for local sustainable development and of course, your own personal comfort budget… Thanks!
Th Aug 1 & Fri Aug 2
9:30 doors open, coffee & tea, meet and greet
10:00 introduction to the Baumhaus and the day
10:30 work starts on projects
17:00 clean up and hang out, make dinner, chill
* Coffee, tea and water will be available throughout the day but feel free to bring some yummy healthy food and snacks to share or prepare our kitchen. We will probably have some rescued food to make food with.
We are located at Gerichtstr. 23, front house, ground floor