In Germany, residents tend to be very diligent at recycling their waste. Despite its high recycling rate (64 %) the country is one of the largest waste generators in Europe. In our neighbourhood Berlin-Wedding we are witnessing the effects every day while piles of rubbish are building up in the streets including abandoned tellevision sets on the sidewalk.
Dematerialisation: Doing more with less
We want to make a change and rise awareness on the importance of waste reduction. Reduce, reuse and recycle: Everyone can make a difference for the benefit of the environment by participating in our activities. The whole programme was developed by the neighbourhood & transition town initiative “Weddingwandler“, the community garden “himmelbeet” and the project room “Baumhaus“.
Looking for wastewatchers: During the Week for Waste Reduction we are organising a ZeroWaste Challenge, a guided tour on garbage free grocery shopping, you can build your own Bokashikitchen compost bucket or visit the waste-to-energy plant Ruhleben. Join us and find out whether you will miss the full dustbin!
For further information (in German only :() check our website:
or the Facebook event: