Jamming out some work at Baumhaus on Mi & Do – 19. & 20. Aug

Need a break from working on your summer tan, lounging on the beach, glued to your computer or maybe you just need to recover from that really fun festival… Then you are you are cordially invited to get down and dirty during our next help session on Weds (19.08.) and Thursday (20.08.), time slots are available all day…

Sign up for a volunteer time slot: http://doodle.com/kpx2hirdpi7shnf9

In preparation for the soundproof ceiling in the back room, we will be:

1) moving the last things in the space to storage
2) scraping loose material off the ceiling
3) opening up a small section of ceiling for inspection
4) having fun & getting to know some good people

– clothes to get dirty, gloves and any extra safety gear you have to share

Music, drinks, lunch provided…Volunteers for food preparation welcome!

Please use this doodle link ( http://doodle.com/kpx2hirdpi7shnf9 ) to check box the hours when you can make it. This really helps with planning what work we can accomplish.

Happy Summer to All!

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