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(ENG) The First 2 weeks of May in review
So much happened in the recent weeks that this album documents what happened a couple weeks ago including prototyping architectural graphic elements, impromptu social work, installing the controllers on the sentient tree light, saving – schlepping – cooking – and – serving over 100kg of bio food, several strategy sessions, hammock making, window making and mosaic work!
Once again a very smooth blending from one week to the next… Many plans and actions in the process of realization throughout various stages… Stop by our next regular Thursday evening community night to find out more or participate: https://www.facebook.com/events/674007722798316/
Now that we are open everyday from 3 until 6 during the week, feel free to stop by to do some co-working on your own project or collaborate with some of ours… Check the calendar for special events: https://www.baumhausberlin.de/en/programm/
Need a place to meet for your project or group: https://www.baumhausberlin.de/en/space/
Wochenend Workshops Mai 20. & 21.
Another Installation & Collaborative Gathering…
Kreative Ideen für alle Herausforderungen… Wandbemalung von Mariana Mourato. Mehr kreative Momente unter: https://www.baumhausberlin.de/
Henna Workshop 28.04. – Full Documentation
Our first Henna workshop with Linda Mey was a fun success. Enjoy a glimpse into the process, vibe and surroundings of the day. Stay tuned for our next workshop announcement or check our event calendar: https://www.baumhausberlin.de/
Constructing New Realities – workshops and other engaging activity
From deep ecology and guerrilla gardening to repair cafes and food rescue sessions, check out our upcoming regular and special events. Stay tuned for the Baumhaus Summit…! Find out how the Baumhaus works and how you can collaborate doing what you love to do…
Spring Energy Flowing Strong – busy weeks of collaborative action
As spring starts to blossom so does the action in the Baumhaus. Full Day Workshops for people who want to make their dream project a reality – this weekend.
More Documentation from our printing workshop & collaborative building sessions
Check our calendar to for the next collaborative building sessions:
coming soon (18 & 19 March) – full day workshops for taking the future into your hands is happening too!
From There To here and Beyond…
After many visitors, collaborative building workshops and few events, we managed to get one step closer this past week…
Check our calendar to for the next collaborative building sessions:
This coming weekend (25 & 26 Feb) our full day workshops for taking the future into your hands is happening too!
Participate in a 1-day practical building experience with our friends from “Earthship Biotechture Duetschland”, the platform for alternative building, learning and living. The workshop will be organized by Hery and Lale from Down2Earth and enable you to experience communal building, creating something with your hands and possibly realizing skills you didn’t even know you had!