Micro-volunteering: ­­­Learn to loom knit PURRfect Toys for Rescue Cats in 2 Hours

24. August 2017 um 18:00 – 20:00
Micro-volunteering: ­­­Learn to loom knit PURRfect Toys for Rescue Cats in 2 Hours

Cause Corps is a global movement to take direct action on causes you care about (micro-volunteering) and meet passionate volunteers like yourself.

Tonight’s mission: learning to knit toys for rescued kittens 18:00 – 20:00…

• registration, limited spots: https://www.meetup.com/e…/CauseCorpsBerlin/events/242685145/

Less than three years ago, Cause Corps was a handful of people in Sydney, role modelling a new way to do good. Today, we’re a global community across 9 cities, in 4 continents, with over 3000 volunteers – run entirely by part time volunteers.

Kirsty (Director UK) and Phillip (Director Asia Pacific) along with their leads Jo and Si Ning have chosen Berlin as the latest city to create a Cause Corps community. They’ll be joining us to learn more about the Das Baumhaus community, share their experience, and run some volunteering activities.

You can learn more about their Berlin Meetup here: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/CauseCorpsBerlin/


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