Make Your Own Gift :: Active Art Salon Nr. 6 – Santa’s Helpers

17. Dezember 2016 um 19:00 – 22:30
Das Baumhaus Berlin
Gerichtstraße 23
13347 Berlin
donation at the door

OGZ headerHow about some collaborative sustainable gift making… Stop by on Saturday and we will help you make your own personalized gifts in the form of a small wooden sculpture made of upcycled wood and other materials. You can also choose from donated items like clothing and other useful things. There is no limit on the amount of gifts you can make or items you can take! All this for a donation of 5-10€ at the door.

Of course there will be groovy music, Glüwein and other drinks, snacks, cookies and even some healthy rescued bio food for donation, prepared by our good friends at The Real Junk Food Project: Berlin: Berlin…

Here’s how it works… so far (stay tuned for additional creative activities):

Making your own gift
• choose from some intersting or simple shaped wood bits we have
• play with the pieces and sketch your ideas for how you might like to shape your sculpture
• give your wood bits to one of Santa’s Wood Elves, along with some simple instructions and they will do any basic cutting
• you get to use files, sandpaper and various finishes to make your sculpture look wonderful

• there will also be a simple craft table for working with other various materials

Selecting a gift
• pick something out of Santa’s Haul of Donated Gifts
• take it to one of Santa’s Helpers and make a donation in the amount of your choice to the „Help Das Baumhaus Grow“ fund.

* Santa’s helpers will be there to help you every step of the way, even with designs
** send us a message if you would also like to be one of Santa’s Helpers
*** Santa’s Helpers can also help bake cookies and take care of nice visitors or even share their skills at the craft table(s)


Here are a few ways, relative to our p.e.a.c.e.s. framework, that we hope this event will be sustainable; bringing more balance into the world:

Personally – feel good by doing something yourself for other people
Ecologic – use of upcycled and recycled materials
Aesthetic – creating & sharing something to inspire the senses
Cultural – understand, learn from or appreciate some different perspectives
Economic – for a low price, create a personalized gift that someone will value more while supporting the Baumhaus and other great initiatives
Social – participate in a collaborative process of supporting each other and make new friends

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