Emergent Berlin is a festival organized by Baumhaus since 2013, bringing together fellow local initiatives, organizations and neighbors who want to take action for sustainability from personal, ecological, aesthetic, cultural, economic and social (peaces) perspectives. This year’s theme: “ Reclamation”
Every year our format is a bit different, this year you get to help decide what content we will offer. One our big goals of the festival is to help create a movement across general society to raise consciousness and see the value, sense and satisfaction of living in balance with ourselves, each other and the natural world.
How do you already contribute to bringing more balance in the world and how can you share it? What are some new ways that you would like to be empowered to bring more balance into the world? This will be the basis of this year’s event – A Superhero Training Camp, how can we help each other gain and apply these new skills and perspectives. Check out some past events HERE & HERE & even HERE!