Baumhaus featured for Internationale Grüne Woche 2021
Inspiration for the future…
Inward Focus – Autumn into Winter 2020
Inward Focus – Autumn into Winter 2020 : Even with the pandemic, we managed to keep a few old things going and even get a few new things started… Looking forward to 2021, staying safe and trying to use this time wisely.
This album documents from September through December 2020. Thanks to all the great help from our 2 interns Justus and Andreas plus all the great help from various volunteers!
Sneek Peek from „Rise of the Evengers“ Immaculate Contraption session 19.09
Finally, the first recordings from the big gig on 19.09.! This clip starts at 12 minutes into our first set of deep improvisational musical meditation with live dub effects… Enjoy! Stay tuned for the final recordings from both sets. Full info –
Back To The Roots :: Podcast – Episode 2, Scott from Baumhaus
A full length podcast from Back To The Roots stories (BTTR) with Maia about what is going on in the heart of the Baumhaus with some focus on the PEACES of sustainable development. (EN)
Everyday Superheroes…
Liebe Freund*innen des Baumhauses,
wegen Corona finden leider auch weiterhin keine Community Night oder andere öffentliche Veranstaltungen im Baumhaus statt. Aber wir sind zurück, mit zwei neuen Projekten! Wir laden sehr herzlich wieder zu Austausch und Zusammenarbeit ein…
Zum einen ist da die „Werkstatt LMP„. Als Teil der Berliner Ernährungsstrategie sollen sogenannte „LebensMittelPunkte“ entstehen – in Kooperation mit dem Baumhaus (wir freuen uns sehr, auch da wir uns darüber jetzt erstmal finanzieren können) und unserem Netzwerk. Wir entwickeln einen Best-Practice-Kiez!
Zum anderen gibt jetzt einen Call for Participation für unser Projekt „Rise of the Evengers„, die auch das Thema unseres diesjährigen (online) Emergent Berlin Festivals werden.
Wir hoffen, Euch geht es gut! Meldet euch wenn ihr mithelfen oder eigene Projekte verknüpfen wollt…
Scott & Karen
Flow is back! – (Outdoor Edition) – a special musical meditation series
Introduction, warm up & first jams (planting seeds)
BC/AC – Before Corona / After Corona
BC/AC – Before Corona / After Corona
Our last events before the big shut down included: several Community Networking Nights, various talks and workshops, meetings from our Baumhaus App Team, several sustainable food Kollektiv sessions and some collaborative design/building sessions.
After the shut down we took some time to meditate on the small things in life as well as start working on our new our new podcast series, „The Corona QuaranTimes“. Have a listen to our first episode, „Slow Down To Catch Up“ while checking out the pics…
Open Call for Tech Help – Volunteers to help with the Baumhaus App
1 android developer
1 IOS developer
1 front end developer
About 6 months ago we started developing a free App for the people in our network to take advantage of some Baumhaus systems without being in the physical Baumhaus space, like our ‚open greeting zone‘ or our ’needs and resources‘ board, plus a few other nice side features.
If you would like to join our team then send us a message to
Sign up for our newsletter on our Facebook page or at the bottom of our website for coming updates…
Introducing… The Corona Quaran-Times
(english only)
Getting together in person to communicate has become a bit prohibitive these days… So here is a first free flow creative experimental audio podcast containing some reflective thoughts, news and project updates. Enjoy!