Restart Spring 2022
Now that we got some major renovations and Covid out of the way for the moment, it’s time to get back into the swing of things with some regular events. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering to help out with continuing functional & decorative detailing work in the space, special projects like Emergent Berlin or regular events like our Thursday Community Networking Nights (de) –
Volunteer Help Sessions – Making Space
Volunteer Help Sessions – Making Space
Stop by Weds 02.03 and Sat 05.03 from 11-17:00
Gerichtstr. 23 VH Eg —-> 2G+
The dust is just now starting to settle from our most recent major renovations to Baumhaus… Before we re-open this Spring, Baumhaus needs some more helping hands with detailing, cleaning, finishing, cooking, organizing, moving, simple building, processing up-cycled materials, painting and plenty more simple tasks…
We will focus on making space for our office / video mixing room plus some other functional and aesthetic details in the rest of the space. We look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new ones too!
• Bring clothing you don’t mind getting a bit messy
• Bring snacks to share – Warm meal at the end!
Evolving Transformations From 2021 Into 2022.
Renovations on 3 levels… up to November 1, 2021
This Autumn we continued with functional installations to the second level and began the labor intensive process of clearing out and renovating the cellar into a workshop and veggie storage for our 5 CSA/SoLaWi groups… Nina also made some progress on the small bathroom mosaic thanks to all the volunteers who showed up to help cut tiles!
We were even able to host our regular community networking nights again; fantastic as usual!
Community Networking Night – Donnerstags
Die “Community Networking Night” bringt diverse Menschen zusammen, die eines gemeinsam haben: sich selber für eine bessere Welt engagieren zu wollen. Jeden Donnerstagabend wird das Baumhaus zur “Offenen Grüßzone”, wo es selbstverständlich möglich ist, sich jeder und jedem vorzustellen und ins Gespräch zu kommen. In informeller und authentischer Atmosphäre neue Leute treffen, Perspektiven teilen, zusammenarbeiten und einander unterstützen – ihr seid herzlich eingeladen!
Baumhaus Re-Opening Autumn 2021
Taking Things to the Next Level…
Over the Summer we steadily worked on building renovations, keeping our CSA/SoLaWi rolling along and launching our regular Tuesday evening Emergent Berlin sessions in the Panke e.V. backyard. Volunteers for building, cleaning, decorating and general help are always appreciated.
Emergent Berlin Month 2, August – Ecological Sustainability
We are moving forward with the Emergent Berlin Festival – Every Tuesday night project presentations, teach-ins and campfire stories until the end of this year! Check out our Open Call for September – and program for August so far:
03.08.: Project presentations with AvantGardenLife, Wo kommt dein Essen her?, Climate Farmers & FoodSHIFT2030
10.08.: Teach-In: Learn How to Test Your Local Soil and Be Part of a Collective Berlin Mapping Experience with Feld Food Forest’s Open Soil Atlas
17.08.: Teach-In: Mitmachen beim Klima-Volksbegehren Berlin 2030 with Klimaneustart Berlin
24.08.: Teach-In: How to Kiezblock – Wandering Liveable Streetspace with Kai Siefke, Changing Cities e.V.
31.08.: Campfire Stories: Searching for Solutions on a Collapsing Planet with José Luis Vicente Vicente (PhD Environmental Sciences)
All events in August take place in the beautiful garden of Panke in the backyard of our building. Tickets and more info:
We’re Moving!