Rise of the Evengers is an intervention/initiative by Baumhaus Berlin & friends. Saturday, September 19 is the kick-off-performance and live-streaming event.
On a dying planet in desperate need of saving, rose a group of heroes dedicated to bringing more balance into the world… The EVENgers!

Emergent Berlin 2021 “Super Hero Training Camp” :: June 25 -27, 2021
(Location – online globally)
….During the great pandemic, humanity forced to pause and reflect on the state of the world, finally started collaborating to fulfill their common desire to live humane, meaningful and satisfying lives. This meant living in balance with themselves, each other and the natural world.
…The great transformation began when people started realizing and passing on their super-powers that would help bring more balance into the world personally, ecologically, aesthetically, culturally, economically and socially.
These are the true stories of our times… part horror, part adventure, part drama, part comedy, part romantic adventure thriller. It’s not only a story to tell, but a story to create, actively influence and live!